I TOTALLY agree with Phil Booth and Guy Herbert of the No2ID campaign (SA, November 26).

What few seem to understand is that ID cards are required by EU rules as part of a fully-integrated EU-wide database. It will result in your movements, behaviour, what you buy, what books you borrow from the library, your emails, medical records, bank details, phone calls, political and sexual preferences, even gossip about you, all being recorded, stored and cross referenced in their computers, and these are just the things we know about. There may be, indeed probably is, much more we don't know. The EU satellite Galileo will be able to track you to within three feet of your actual location via a chip in your ID card, and don't forget it will be illegal not to carry it at all times.

You will be unable to check on what is being held about you, you will be unable to control who can see this information or even to put inaccurate details right. These are not frivolous questions when I ask "who watches the watchers" and "why, in a supposed free, democratic Europe, are such things needed"?

Labour obviously agrees with these proposals, the Lib-Dems and Tories say they would scrap them, but if both parties insist on remaining in the EU, as they do, then I think we have a right to know, before the next General Election, exactly how they intend to get around the regulation that all EU citizens are required to carry one (Section 3, Article 68, Lisbon Treaty).

The plain truth is that only the UK Independence Party can say "No2ID" and really mean it. A vote for any of the others is a vote in favour of all of the above.

GREG HEATHCLIFFE, Press Officer, UKIP Swindon Branch Okus Road Swindon