I FEEL compelled to write in response to Kate Robinson`s letter (SA, January 17) in which she contradicted herself and at best was hypocritical.

She objected to the third Heathrow runway, citing global warming, the environment and the depletion of the Great Barrier Reef. Then asks if her son’s generation will be restricted to seeing such great and wonderful natural monuments on DVD? The simple answer is yes. Because to see them for real, and in this case, the Great Barrier Reef, you will have to fly there, and in most cases from Heathrow.

I suggest if you want to save the world buy a copy of Planet Earth (BBC documentary) and watch the Wonders of the World without leaving your armchair. The causes of global warming are not indisputable, so any argument can be countered with an opposite view, but please don’t try and tell people how they should behave and then suggest you wish your offspring to be able to do what very few people can actually afford to do anyway.

SEPP PILEGGI Bindon Close Grange Park Swindon