WELL done Olympic champion Rebecca Adlington for boycotting the new ‘go-faster’ swimsuit because ‘it’s just like doping’. She’s refused to wear the controversial performance swimsuit claiming it’s tantamount to cheating. And now the controversy has intensified with the head of the British swimming team, David Sparkes, calling for a review of the matter. Absolutely!

If every swimmer could afford one, then it would be a level playing field. But every swimmer can’t. So the sponsored ones and the rich ones have an unfair advantage.

So when might the human race recognise that driving at excessive speed is tantamount to cheating? Competitors in motor vehicles already have a huge advantage over walkers, joggers, horse-riders and cyclists, so in breaking speed limits, they have a ‘can’t possibly lose advantage’. So they think!

They also make life a real struggle for honest drivers.

So what’s the difference between the athlete who injects dope to go faster, and the driver who injects fuel to go faster? Athletes who cheat don’t kill their fellow competitors. And neither do they exacerbate the problems of air pollution and climate change.

Furthermore, what’s the difference between men who break speed limit to get ahead in the human race, and men who break car windows to survive in the human race ie car thieves? The speeding driver is invariably at the front of the queue calling for more cameras and tougher penalties to deter car thieves.

Come on Louise Hamilton and Jenson Button, tell it as it is!

ALLAN RAMSAY Radcliffe Moor Road Radcliffe