THE railway spent the weekend testing the new diesel engines non stop for 48-72 hours from Friday to Monday.

The noise was horrendous like a train running non stop in the bedrooms.

I lived in Dean Street and I and my friends all had children at very young ages, we couldn’t get any sleep at all. The noise did not stop.

Around eleven o’clock we were out in the street complaining so we all decided to ring the railways and they gave us a few directors’ numbers so we rang them. Some were at an important dinner and a few were in bed asleep and none were pleased at being disturbed and said so. But we couldn’t sleep so why should they. One said it would stop on Monday and it did. They tested the engines opposite Webbs wholesalers (among houses) why did they not test them at Westcott Rec where a place was allotted. I moved to a quieter spot near Haydon Wick, but if I listen around 2.30am I can often hear the train going through Swindon. I wonder if those directors we woke up can hear it.

LILIAN SPENCER Thames Avenue Swindon