MARTA Andreasen, the former Brussels whistle blower sacked by Lord Kinnock, has been blocked from taking a senior position at the European Parliament by MEPs fearful of future scandal, by which they mean being exposed as fraudsters. She was to be Vice Chair of the EU budgetary committee which oversees the EU budget and signs off the accounts each year. Remember the Auditors have not cleared these accounts for 14 years.

“They know that I know too much. I know where the bodies are buried and that’s why they don’t want me,” said Mrs Andreasen.

Chris Davies, a Liberal Democrat, attacked the “shameful decision” to hold a secret ballot so the MEPs could not be “held accountable for their actions”.

“The message it sends to the public is that anyone who speaks out against malpractice in Europe risks being excluded from office,” he said.

Lord Kinnock, who was then her boss as the Commission’s vice-president, furiously accused her of “disloyalty and breach of trust” after she went to MEPs with her concerns, already raised internally, over accounting standards. He fired her for doing her job. Remember Lord Kinnock’s wife has just been catapulted into the House of Lords and appointed Europe Minister.

We have not seen one word of condemnation for this action by any of the UK Lib/Lab/Con leaders, what does that tell you about this new open and transparent British Democratic process.

I would remind my fellow Swindon residents that the EU costs every man, woman, and child £2000/year. Marta tried to account for that money and got fired.