ON Saturday, October 17 Swindon Vegetarians/Animal Concern held a street collection in Swindon centre on behalf of Campaign Whale.

A total of £151.25 was collected and hundreds of people signed our petition asking Japan to stop their fishermen killing up to 25,000 dolphins and porpoises annually.

It is hoped this year with the release of the film The Cove, which is about the Japanese dolphin slaughter, public awareness will be raised and pressure will be put on Japan to end this barbaric and needless killing.

Thank you to all who gave and to members of Swindon Veggies/Animal Concern for their help and enthusiasm.

For more information about the Japanese dolphin hunts and other anti-whaling campaigns please go to www.campaign-whale.org to see how you can help.

BRIAN GARMAN (Campaign Whale Local Coordinator)