BILL Williams (letter Oct 15) made a good attack on our former Prime Minister Tony Blair and I support his comments. At one point, however, Mr Williams made reference to Mr Blair’s religious belief and said “we must believe that” (that he is a devout Christian). The truth, something that Mr Blair seems not too familiar with is that the man will say anything if he (Blair) thinks it will further his case.

Perhaps the best example of this comes in an election address in which the prospective member for Sedgefield wrote “We (an incoming Labour Government) will negotiate a withdrawal from the EEC (now EU), which has drained our natural resources and destroyed jobs”. This same man now tells us that he has “always been” a supporter of the EU. The plain truth is that once a lie has been proven to be just that (as in this case) then how can you believe anything he says?

Not only is Blair a proven liar but a traitor as well since he has betrayed those who elected him on an anti EU ticket and our nation as a whole. But then which Prime Minister hasn’t since Heath became the first Quisling to hold that post?