I HAVE never read a single word of the Lisbon Treaty (I haven't got a free year to spare) and I am sure neither has the majority of the British public, and I suspect neither have many MPs. But it is clear to everybody that David Cameron has broken a cast iron pledge on a referendum. If he can’t change the situation because of the legal implications, he shouldn't have made the promise in the first place. He could always have a referendum if he wins the election, in or out, if he is a true man of his word.

I personally, have as much time for this country being financially bled dry by European Unity, as Horatio Nelson had at the battle of Trafalgar, when he invited the Spanish and French to a party on the Victory's quarterdeck. I suspect I am not alone with this view. His minions pontificate that he must concentrate on the economy first. It’s more important.

That being the case, isn't the European Union one of the largest costs to our economy for the least we get back, in the history of this nation? The vast majority of people I speak to are deeply disillusioned with the present government, but don't know who to vote for in their place. David Cameron has thrown away a golden opportunity to sweep up the don't knows. He may be an unknown quantity at the moment regarding the responsibility of running this once great country. But it is clear that grave doubts about his integrity on the Lisbon Treaty has lost him a lot of support.

If he has broken his word once, can we trust him again? I could forgive him for hugging hoodies, Strictly Ice Skating with polar bears, and even cycling to work to save the environment, with a gas guzzler behind him containing his paperwork. But this is a matter affecting all our futures and our children's.

This grave mistake must leave the Swindon constituency, along with many others, wide open to any of the political parties at the next General Election. Has Mr Cameron called time before the pub doors open?

Bill Williams Merlin Way Covingham Swindon