I PRESUME that we have been watching the same news items as Richard Symonds but the difference is that I have also been reading parts of the Lisbon Treaty. David Cameron will not have to legislate to avoid any more powers going over to the EU because there are no more to give (Article 1-1) and this transfers all decision making to Brussels (Article 1-6). He will be unable to get any powers returned because of the acquis communautaire clause (in effect a one way valve - power can only flow out, never return) and, as we have been saying for years but only a few, although in fortunately increasing numbers, have listened - all the three main parties are highly pro-EU in their outlook and this includes the Tories, obviously.

In essence Mr Cameron is not telling the truth, but in such a round-about way that it is incomprehensible unless you have been following the arguments very closely.

When we say that the only way out of this nightmare (and it’s only just beginning, believe me) is to support us it's because that is the only way currently available to avoid the horrors to come. Question us closely, review our records - we welcome it for you will find us right about all we prophecy. We were right when we said hundreds of thousands of Eastern Europeans wanted to come here (official figure 13,000 maximum), we were right when we said the EU would become a dictatorship (look at Southern Ireland, France, The Netherlands - ourselves and the promised referendum), so why would we lie about this? We aren't.

If our people simply wanted to be MPs there are far easier ways than joining UKIP I assure you. We are here because we are trying our best to avoid this country descending into an EU-led dictatorship, and really that is the only thing we are trying to do.

I hope this has helped you but please feel free to ask anything, for you'll always get an honest, and straight, reply. Not many in politics will promise, and deliver, on that.

GREG HEATHCLIFFE (Press Officer, UKIP Swindon Branch) Okus Road Swindon