I WOULD like to take issue with the letter from T Cook (17/11) and his tirade against someone who dared to park in a car park! Does this self-appointed jobsworth realise that there are no mandatory parking spaces for Parent and Child and no supporting laws. These are only suggestions and the bays are wider accordingly. Someone using these spaces is not 'naive, stupid or ignorant', just someone using an empty parking space. Did Mr Cook ask if the lady in question needed extra room to get in and out of her car, or is she infirm in some way?

I agree totally with disabled zones, but as far as I am concerned mother and child spaces shouldn't be right next to the store entrance. I would like to know why these spaces take precedence over other store customers parking. What about older people who may not be disabled but object to having to park further away because of families who are generally younger and fitter?

In Mr Cook's regimented world there seems little room for tolerance, just blind obedience to petty rules.


