I AM writing to encourage car drivers to please think of bikers and to double check mirrors and both ways at junctions.

I had a near miss today at 1.40pm with a silver A-class Merc who decided to proceed out of the junction of Stoneover Lane into Swindon Road and as the driver saw me coming decided to just stop! Subsequently blocking my right of way, forcing me to brake hard and causing my rear wheel to lock up and skid. I narrowly just avoided the car by having to divert behind the car, mounting the kerb separation area as there was another car waiting to turn right into Stoneover Lane. I managed to control the bike and pulled up in the hatched area of the give way back on Swindon Road.

To my disgust the driver of the A-class Merc did not stop to check I was ok, but drove off instead! Meanwhile I am on the kerbside shaking in shock at the idiotic manoeuvre that the driver had done. I was late for work as a result of the incident and having to remain on the kerb in order to calm down due to the sheer shock of it.

I am lucky not to have hit the car. I am lucky that no injuries resulted. Just a very annoyed rider.

I urge car drivers to consider their fellow road users, look for bikes.

GEMMA ADLINGTON Toothill Swindon