I HAVE just received my paper. Can you please tell me why 11 pages were necessary to tell the people of Swindon that they lost? The better side won.

I do not understand why we are bombarded with all this football hysteria about a game that requires grown men to kick a bag of wind about a field. Then get said bag between two sticks for all the crowd to erupt into uncontrollable behaviour.

The men on the field run and hug each other, is this because they have just won themselves a bonus?

I only remember the last time England won, was because it was the year I got married. My son thinks it was because I was interested! He has an England dice in his car and he told me he is going to get an England flag. My comment to him was “grow up, you’re over 40!” The only people who will win from all this are the retailers who supply all this tat.

JANET WOODHAM Scotby Avenue Swindon