GOING back a bit, I did enjoy Michael Wills Swindon Adver’ articles, Brunel Would Be Proud and What Lies Ahead (SA 01 and 11 February 2010). I’m sure Mr Brunel would be very proud of Swindon’s achievements over the last 13 years; the new industries, new schools, new hospital, acoustic fencing, and more than a ‘thousand’ problems solved for individual Swindon residents, all the work of our two out going Labour MPs. All of their efforts, achievements and failures, are now recorded in history for people to judge. Can I, through your newspaper, say a big thank you to both for, what I consider their excellent and tireless work for all the people of Swindon.

Now, the people have spoken; we have two new MPs in the House of Commons and a new chapter of history begins. If their predecessor, Simon Coombs is anything to go by, we can only wonder what they will achieve for Swindon in the years ahead.

As we read in the Lib Dem/Tory ‘manifesto’ the millionaires and, as always, the fox hunting set, are the untouchables. Just a thought, a small point in the malaise of Lib Dem Conservative Coalition, most of the front bench are millionaires. I can’t help but wonder how much they will feel the pinch in the forthcoming cuts? Future history will tell.

Let us hope that at the next election people will remember how history is made, and realise that in a fair society it must be some for all, not all for some.

MIKE SPRY Mayfield Close Nythe Swindon