IT seems clear that the Euro unrest is strengthening the resolve of the British people to leave the EU, in an Angus Reid survey of nearly 2,000 people, 42 per cent said they would vote to leave the EU, but if broken down into political preference, 57 per cent of Conservatives would vote to leave, which clearly leaves the coalition with a grass roots problem.

To make matters worse for Mr Cameron and Mr Clegg 67 per cent of Tories think the EU has been detrimental to Britain’s interests.

Asked about the Euro 79 per cent said no to losing the pound.

Can there be any further doubt that the coalition simply has to give the British people a vote on the issue.

UKIP says the results prove how the EU’s ill-conceived plan to artificially unite Europe continues to be hugely unpopular.

This survey doesn’t come as a surprise at all. In every test of public opinion on the EU issue, the results always come back the same. The majority of people want Britain to leave the EU.

The British people aren’t stupid. They know how much we pay to be a member of the European Union - £120bn a year, with £45m a day in direct contributions alone.

Britain simply cannot afford to continue with membership of this corrupt club.


South Marston