REGULAR readers will well know that M J Warner is the man who, after making what proved to be and with little doubt a completely incorrect statement about the Nimrod aircraft crash, does not have the bottle to apologise and to admit that he was wrong.

Readers of his most recent letters will also know that he is a very bad loser. He (SA, May 27) makes a great deal of the fact that our new government faces massive problems in respect of spending cuts, tax rises, unemployment and rising inflation. These are facts which we all know. True to form however he does not point out that these problems are as a result of the mismanagement of our finances by Gordon Brown.

From reading his letters it is hard to believe that it was not the Conservatives but the Labour Party which lost so many seats in the recent election.

It must be a hard pill to swallow but Mr Warner must be fully aware that his beloved Labour Party is destined to spend the next five years at least sitting on the Opposition benches in the House of Commons.

The election has also shown that the Labour Party is, in the eyes of the electorate, like the dormouse, in a very steep decline. Like that little animal I would suggest that MJ Warner enters a long period of hibernation and so spare us all of more of his very biased Left Wing propaganda.

R W SELWAY Burden Close Stratton St Margaret Swindon