COUN Bluh, the Leader of Swindon Borough Council writes yet another self congratulatory piece in the Adver (SA June 3) in which he tells everyone what a first class guy he is. He is, according to himself, a man who makes decisions; a man who take risks, a man who gets things done. Of course he omits to say that he only ever takes risks with 'your money' - that's right, taxpayer pounds fund Coun Bluh's forays into the uncertain territory of risk. Coun Bluh is not an entrepreneur spending his own money - now that would be risky - his only claim to fame is that he spends taxpayer money which is allocated by central government or paid into SBC's coffers by the Swindon council tax payer.

Very sadly what characterises Coun Bluh is the sneering way in which he traduces those who would dare question 'his way'. He challenges borough residents to scrutinise, then condemns them so doing, he is offhand with those with who he disagrees and dismissive of anyone who dares to speak against his pet projects. His offhand dismissal of those who have spoken against the grossly expensive water folly situated in the most inappropriate location - blocking the natural walkway at the intersection of Regent Street with the Parade and Canal Walk - is typical.

In his closing comments he cannot resist yet another snipe at those who challenged his administration on the Wi-Fi deal. This one subject encapsulated all that is unpleasant about Coun Bluh and his administration. That he did not act illegally is accepted, whether he won the moral argument is debatable but it is indisputable that he failed to convince anyone as to the business case for this venture. What will always be remembered is the lack of openness and transparency which surrounded the Wi-Fi deal, the one hundred questions left unanswered, questions which his officers declared would be answered and which were important to enable a proper decision to be reached.

DES MORGAN Caraway Drive Swindon