I HAVE just returned from a most exciting Exhibition of Photography held at the Post Modern Gallery, Theatre Square, Swindon.

The exhibitor is a 16-year-old boy, Daniel Webb, who, until he recently began his own business, was a pupil at the Commonweal School in Old Town.

An exhibition of his recent work is on show all this week, Tuesday to Thursday from 11am to 5pm; on Friday from 11am till 9pm and finishing on Saturday from 11am till 10pm.

I would urge all readers to look into this individual and illuminating collection of photographs. They are wide ranging, from portfolio portraits by design to a series of images of people and objects in different circumstances: on the beach, showing a sharp contrast between his sister’s feet, shiny black pebbles and the creamy incoming foam of the tide. Others feature motorcycles, pets, silhouettes by sunset; red snapper fish, taken at a stall in Morocco. This was a particular delight: the cool fresh salmon-pink of the newly-caught fish, lying in a pile on the slab, their clear black and yellow eyes staring blindly ahead, unseeing...

But it is probably the nature photographs that cause the most impact. There are several very beautiful, large ones. The juvenile grey heron, taken at Coate, about to dive for fish; the snipe at Titchwell is a stunner; the four young ring teal, lined up in a row, showing their reflections underneath; the lovely clear colours of the pheasant on the picnic table, the markings on its red wattle easily seen.

As Daniel has written, “Wildlife is a real passion. To sit with nature and think about life is such a beautiful experience.”

The real contrast for me was the fresh-faced pictures of young Daniel, alongside the extremely thoughtful images of life that he sees and photographs.

I would urge as many readers as possible to pop into this exhibition and to browse.


Windsor Road

