WHEN Mr Brown came to power in 1997 one of the first things he did was set up the FSA which was meant to be a means of regulating the banks. This should have stopped them from gambling away money to America, Ireland or wherever, in a attempt to gain more money on the quick.

To do this you have to be both quick, sharp and prudent on what you speculate or you lose big time and yes, they lost big time, not that it wasn’t recognised but then Prudence thought he ruled the financial world and what he said was law.

Did you read today (January 4) that the sale price of gold yesterday reached the new total of £1,600 per ounce, so the £270 that he got is mere peanuts, no wonder the country is in near bankrupt state once again under Labour.

Did you also read that the 550 odd PFI schemes that Labour have signed up to will, by the year 2040, be costing this country £245 billion to repay, and that last month the hospital in Hereford tried to employ a local trader to fix up a new aerial for the nurses’ room, the contractor who held the PFI inclusive contract told them no and said they would do it, which they did and the hospital then got a bill of £988 for the job.

I have already highlighted the cash flow problems of ‘97 and 2010 is no different, only this time the banks have been left to carry the can.

No mention of unlimited immigration, unlimited public staff increases, not to mention other fiascos like the 10p one and others. As for him being missed, the only people who are missing him are the staff at the House of Commons, who have seen him about six times since May. I read that he has now signed up as a consultant expert on world affairs at an American University, so does this mean he will now renounce his HofC seat?

TERRY REYNOLDS Wheeler Avenue Swindon