WITH regard to the letter penned by M Ratcliffe on the Royal Wedding, I must agree it was beautifully written by an obvious loving royalist. But! It could have been written better in the 16th or 17th century. What do they say after the parade? The rubbish cart comes behind!

To ensure this mega rich family will continue on and on for generations to come does not fill everyone with awe and wonderment. Let’s face it the history of this eternal dynasty is full of disasters and not the best role models in any century! One is really, brought back to reality in the press soon after the event. I personally for one do not wish to see a close up of the ring at £80,000 plus, then the £4,000 a day honeymoon, the private jet, and helicopter etc, (and no it is not jealousy) but it’s a fact, that they will never, ever want for nothing in life, not like their subjects (God how I hate the word subject) of course I appreciate their “workload” will be hectic, like those before them (spare me the hard work ethic) yes it took the worries of this tragic planet away for 24 hours. The elderly were reminiscent of previous pomp and glory, the children were in amazement at the ceremony and of course the celebs and tourists could say “I was there.” You could not avoid it if you tried.

I wanted to go up the Amazon River, but I could not have the money or the chance. So I tried to hope it would be a chance to read a lot of books indoors no TV, no radio etc. Of course the icing on the cake is yet to come in the near future - a royal birth, and yet again the royal line will be rolling along again, for more generations to ogle. Some people can love them some time but all the people do not love them all the time.

