MYSTERY surrounds the sudden closure of a hair and beauty salon in Covingham after it shut overnight with no explanation to customers.

The shutters at Madames hair and beauty salon, in Covingham Square, have remained closed all week and the salon’s loyal customers say they have been given no information, with many still turning up for their appointments over the weekend.

Staff in nearby shops and the local pub say they were shocked when they turned up to work and spotted the salon was shut.

Jay Parkinson, of The Messenger pub, said: “All the staff at the salon used to come to the pub every day for their lunch but all of a sudden the shop was shut and they haven’t been in since.

“We don’t know what has happened. Some of our staff had made hair appointments for next week as well.”

One of the salon’s customers, who works nearby but wished to remain anonymous, said rumours had been flying around but nobody knew the exact reasons behind the closure.

She said: “I saw a lady this morning that had an appointment and she didn’t know it had shut.

“We have been asked by so many people what has happened but we don’t know the truth.

“I only had my hair cut there last week, and nothing was said then. I heard people were making bookings for the Christmas period as well and they took it as usual.

“I don’t know what has happened but it’s a shame.”

No notice has been put up on the shop front and several days worth of post has been left underneath the shutters.

A customer, who also did not want to be named, attends the salon every six weeks.

She said: “The last three times I have been to the salon I have been told I can’t pay by card, when we always could do, so I thought that was a bit strange.

“I had a hair appointment in the week and I didn’t know anything about it until I turned up and the shutters were down and there were several women outside wondering what was going on.”

Councillors in the area said they had not heard anything about the salon’s closure and despite several calls to the salon, nobody from Madames was available for comment at the weekend.