MORE than 200 people have so far taken part in a consultation, due to end on Friday, on proposed changes to council tax.

The amount of money the Government gives Swindon Council to help needy people cover the charge will fall from £13m to £11m, when council tax benefit is replaced with council tax support from April.

Council tax benefit is administered locally according to national rules, but council tax support will see each council draw up and administer its own scheme for who gets what and how much. The first challenge is to deal with the funding gap.

An estimated 6,100 of Swindon’s 18,500 benefit claimants currently have all of their council tax paid, but Swindon Council proposes to slash the maximum support anyone can receive to 80 per cent, leaving the householders to pick up the remaining 20 per cent.

The Conservative administration says the draft scheme is balanced but critics say it punishes some of the poorest people in society, Visit consultation or write to the head of revenues and benefits, Swindon Borough Council, Civic Offices, Euclid Street, Swindon SN1 2JH. Copies of the consultation forms are available from the council’s offices.