A bid to train 100 first aiders has been launched in north Swindon and scores of people have already completed the life saving course.

Locality 100 was set up after a resident, who attended a locality coffee morning, said he had been in a situation where a friend required first aid and he felt unable to help as he didn’t possess the necessary skills or confidence.

Locality facilitator Kati Wood then decided to create a new challenge for people to sign up and learn first aid.

Once the 100-person milestone is achieved Locality 100 will begin a different task, again training 100 people in another new skill.

Each class lasts a day and by the end of it people will walk away with a workplace First Aid qualification.

“Once we have finished there will be a network of people who have the confidence and skills to deliver first aid,” said Helena Robinson, the locality lead for the area.

“The great thing about courses like this is people can talk about each skill and share information.”

The initiative, which is funded by Swindon Council’s public health team, has so far trained 42 people – ticking off about 12 people at a time.

North locality chairman Coun Toby Elliott and Coun Claire Ellis, the cabinet member for customer support and corporate services, were the first councillors to attend one of the training courses when they took part in a session at the community room at the Orbital Shopping Centre, yesterday.

“I fully support this Locality 100 initiative,” said Coun Elliot.

“The course is a lot of fun and the instructor is really good.

“I have seen firsthand from the course, the importance of people learning these vital skills to provide people with that extra time in an emergency.

“I would urge anyone who has not acquired these life-saving skills to take advantage of this fantastic opportunity and help us achieve our first aider’s target.”

For information about Locality 100 contact Kati Woodon 01793 466236, or email kwood@ swindon.gov.uk or call Helena Robinson, on 01793 466210 or 07919111511.