PUPILS at Goddard Park Primary School are celebrating being crowned the winners for the best school garden of 2015.

Earlier this month pupils received the award at the Swindon Allotment and Leisure Gardens Association annual show.

Throughout the year pupils worked hard to plant a new wood and hedgerows with more than 800 trees donated by The Woodland Trust.

They also planted the makings of a new orchard, a field full of daffodils, and a wildflower woodland as well as vegetable and flower beds.

Shola Culley, a Year 5 pupil who collected the trophy at the show on behalf of the school, said: “I’m really excited we won the cup.

“We have enjoyed gardening and hope to do it even better next year.

“Our onions are going to be even bigger than the winning show onions.”

Each year SALGA holds a local schools garden competition to encourage younger people into growing for pleasure.

Sue Stevens, from SALGA, said: “We are very pleased to award the trophy to Goddard Park as so many pupils have done so much.”

The pupils are supported to develop many skills and interests through outdoor learning at the school.

Every child at Goddard Park takes part in Forest School and gardening sessions. The project is a partnership between the School and Woodland Learning Ltd. For further information visit www.goddardpark.co.uk