ANYBODY who has yet to visit the Coate university exhibition at the Pilgrim Centre, and who cares about the eventual outcome of the debate, should make sure they go today.

The controversy over the proposals has been dragging on for so long that Swindonians could be forgiven for wearying of it.

Unfortunately, whether we are weary or not the debate will still rage and decisions will still be taken.

As ever, there are people who are unshakable in their belief that Coate is the only viable site for a new university campus. There are also those equally unshakeable in their belief that using a green space in this way would be vandalism, and that existing sites in central Swindon should be favoured.

However, the less people continue to express their opinions en masse, the more likely it is that the eventual decision will please either very few or nobody at all.

We have the opportunity to be heard and we should use it.