NANDO'S has been accused of a Halal meat U-turn.

Two petitions have been launched online, calling on the new Nando’s restaurant in the North Swindon Orbital Shopping Park to serve Halal chicken.

Modassir Mushtaq, the organiser of one petition, says he had received assurances from the restaurant chain last year that it would be serving meat slaughtered in line with Halal rules.

He says the closest branches serving Halal meat are in Bristol and Oxford, meaning many members of Swindon’s Muslim community are unable to get their hands on a Nando’s meal. The petition, which has been signed by around 400 people, urged: “Sign this petition if you think we should all be able to bond and integrate with our mutual love of chicken.”

A second petition has been started on alternative petition site Organiser Asghar Butt said: “The Muslim community in Swindon and nearby areas were longing for Nando’s to come to our town. But when the first Nando’s restaurant was opened in town centre a couple of years ago it turned out to be not offering Halal chicken.

“A few months ago, we got to know that a new branch of restaurant was opening in Orbital Shopping Park, North Swindon, and there was a lot of talk in community that it would be Halal. To our dismay, it was not the case and the new restaurant is also serving non-Halal chicken.”

Nando’s apologised for the confusion, but said alternative Halal restaurants were open to diners in Oxford and Bristol.

However, speaking to BBC Wiltshire Modassir Mushtaq rubbished the restaurant’s claims: “There were no ifs or buts. They clearly said it would be Halal.”