SPEEDWAY fans flocked to the Abbey Stadium for a chance to see their heroes at close quarters.

The Bank Holiday Fun Day preceded Monday night's meeting against the Ipswich Witches, with top riders Leigh Adams and Lee Richardson among those opening their pits to allow fans a chance to meet them.

Despite the possibility of pre-race nerves, the riders signed hundreds of autographs on hats, shirts, in books and on photos.

Fans even had the chance to walk the hallowed track, with many queuing up to make sure they did not miss their chance.

Samantha Morey and her children Annalise, eight, and Ashley, 11, spent time in the pits before joining a long queue for face painting - and both youngsters were looking forward to getting Robins' logos painted on to their arms.

Samantha, who came with her family from Devizes, praised the riders for their efforts during the event.

"We got here just before it opened at 3pm and we're having a good time," she said.

"We left my husband David in the pits trying to get autographs, and Lee Richardson let him sit on his bike - we got a great picture of that.

"It's good to be able to get amongst the people and being able to speak to the drivers in the pits. They are so natural and take time to talk to us, which is respectful."

Craig Jordan, 10, from Calne, was waiting to collect one last autograph from Charlie Gjedde for his Robins' shirt, which he got recently when he was a race mascot.

Mum Beverly said: "It's very good here today. Craig was a mascot a couple of weeks ago and we collected his shirt today and it's a chance to get it all signed. He's got them all except Charlie Gjedde now."

Andrew Lanchbury and his son Jack, 10, travelled to the stadium from near Burford, but missed out on a few autographs when the pits were closed to allow riders to prepare for the meet.

"We come regularly on Monday nights for the speedway, but this is the first time to a fun day," said Andrew.

"We've got two of three signatures more to get, so it's a bit panicked now, but they have to get ready to ride, and we're looking forward to the race."