ANOTHER day, another story of a person being admitted to hospital and ending up more ill than they were before.

Did 78-year-old Audrey Vant contract MRSA in the Welsh hospital where she was treated after a fall, or following transfer to the Great Western Hospital?

It is unlikely we will ever know the truth, because when two hospitals are involved in a case like this, they tend to propel the blame back and forth like Wimbledon finalists.

The Swindon Hospital didn't isolate Mrs Vant until four days after she was admitted, which rather begs the question of how GWH can be so sure she already had the superbug on arrival.

The Welsh hospital, meanwhile, simply has no idea whether she caught MRSA there or not.

It seems that hospitals are as inept at giving us vital details about MRSA cases as they are at preventing outbreaks.

The only thing we can be certain of is that nobody in authority will be held to account, let alone punished.