YOUNGSTERS have been kept busy by neighbourhood wardens in Walcot, who have been laying on free entertainment.

The wardens want to build relationships and trust with children so they know who to call if they need help.

About 50 youngsters flocked to the new activity sessions at the Walcot Dome, which ran twice a week throughout August.

The fun culminated with a barbecue, football and meeting fire officers yesterday.

The idea was the brainchild of neighbourhood warden Joan Wood who asked the council if she could run the activities.

A dozen wardens supervised them during the month.

"The children all enjoyed it and we have had a great turn-out," she said.

"The boys who came on Wednesday have even asked me to start a football team up."

Mrs Wood added: "They have got to know us now. Since we started this, wardens have noticed children calling out to them as they walk through the estates."

Volunteer crafts teacher Peter Woods gave up free time to give art lessons.

He said: "It keeps the children busy especially as there isn't much to do around here. It is important for the wardens to build trust with the children.

"It gets them used to the wardens so then they won't be scared to approach them if they need to.

"It is also good to show them that people are willing to give up time to work with them."

Youngsters were hard at work clearing litter before the barbecue.

They were wearing yellow vests with junior warden' stamped on the back.

Daisy May, seven, said: "I've had loads of fun coming here. We have been doing crafts making dream catchers, spiders and stars. I love doing art and I can draw really good pictures."

Youngsters got the opportunity to play basketball, football and partake in crafts during the sessions, which ran on Mondays and Wednesdays. Children from the age of five to 14 attended.

PCSO David Barrance said: "We haven't had the best weather for children this summer. These activities are keeping them entertained."

The Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service also turned up to the delight of the youngsters.

Crew Manager Sue Foord said: "We came along to get the fire safety message across."

The wardens funded the running of the sessions while the council donated money for the barbecue.

Walcot centre manager Andrea Magill said: "I'd like to thank Joan and all the neighbourhood wardens, they've done a fantastic job."

Anyone interested in putting on similar events can contact the neighbourhood wardens on 01793 464081.