BURGLARS who stole a safe and four motorbikes from a business in Cheney Manor are being investigated by police.

The offenders used an unlocked window to break into the business and garage attached to a house around 2.20am on Monday August 27.

As well as the safe, which contained a large amount of money, and the motorbikes, the group also stole a small money box, a bike helmet, and a toolbox.

Three of the stolen motorbikes have since been located, but one, a KTM 350cc black/orange Enduro-style motorbike, is still missing.

The stolen helmet is a white and blue Arai helmet.

Police are appealing for witnesses and information about the high-value burglary.

They released CCTV featuring people they'd like to speak to in relation to the incident.

PC Eric Frempong, from Swindon North Community Policing Team, said: “Our investigation suggests those involved may have been in the area prior to the burglary, possibly trying to find out more about security arrangements at the property.

“Are you one of those pictured in the CCTV images or do you know who they are?

"Were you in the area at the time and witnessed something suspicious?

“We want to hear from anyone with information, including people who may know something about the stolen items being offered for sale.”

Anyone with information should call PC Frempong on 101, quoting crime reference number 54180080732, or call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111.