OAP drink-driver

COURT: A drink-driver OAP caught by police twice in the past six months has been banned for more than four years.

Royston Collins, 68, of Ramsthorn Close, pleaded guilty to two charges of drink driving.

In February, he was tested and found to have 132 milligrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of urine. The legal limit is 107 milligrammes.

Then, in July, a police breath test found 57 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath. The legal limit is 35. Magistrates banned him from driving for 52 months, fined him £247 and ordered him to pay £85 costs and a £30 victim surcharge.

Thief fined

COURT: A Kingston man was fined after pinching £100 of Google products from Currys in Swindon.

Joe Dalbertson, 29, of Tolworth, near Kingston-upon-Thames, pleaded guilty to stealing the electronic items. Swindon magistrates fined him £350 and ordered him to pay £100 compensation. Dalbertson must also pay £85 court costs and a £35 victim surcharge.