ONGOING issues with lights over a car park on one Stratton street have left residents literally and metaphorically in the dark.

Neighbours on Carver Close have complained for months about the problems with the bulbs on the streetlights outside their homes.

The last bulb went out a few days ago and the others around it had given up the ghost several weeks earlier.

The area around the car park and nearby flats is now plunged into total darkness during the long winter nights, which begin around mid-afternoon and last well into the next morning.

Concerned residents went to the council in an attempt to get the problem sorted so that they can feel safe at home again.

In response, a Streetworks technician who works for the council told them: “The parking area within the plan where the street lights are located is not on the adoption plans from developer Bellway when Swindon Borough Council adopted the main highway and vegetation of this site back in January 2018.

“From what I can see, Swindon Borough Council do not intend to adopt any lighting within the parking area and everything that has been adopted has been with no further assets to adopt.

“It is down to either Bellway or the selected management company to resolve.”

However, resolving the problem through the developer has proven to be a difficult task, with phone calls often going unanswered and email conversations going in circles.

Stephen Bayliss is one of the residents who has been trying desperately to get something done about the problem.

He said: “You can’t see a thing when you go to or come back from work most days, unless there’s a clear sky and the moon provides a bit of light.

“The lampposts that are no longer illuminated aren’t numbered, so I’m starting to wonder whether it’s possible that nobody is in charge of looking after them.

“Perhaps they just forgot to allocate them to anyone, which is why it’s been such a hassle to sort this out, there’s been little to no light out here since the start of the year.

“It wasn’t too bad during the summer but now it urgently needs to be fixed.

“This cannot go on, it’s ridiculous, someone could get hurt because they can’t see when they’re going down the steps, or there could be people hiding in the alleys at night. It’s dangerous.”

The Adver reported on this issue last month and tried to get a comment from Bellway Homes about the Carver Close concerns, but the developer didn’t respond before our deadline.

This time was more successful.

A spokesperson for Bellway Homes said: “We are looking to assist immediately with replacement bulbs and investigate any defects which may result in the replacement of the bollard lighting columns.

“This will also clarify the current ownership and maintenance questions.”