A COUNCILLOR in Wootton Bassett has let graffiti taggers spray a wall in his craft shop.

John Allen said the two taggers who normally leave their mark illegally in the town need a dedicated wall.

The 16 and 17 year olds use the tags Nectar and Lare when they paint.

Conservative councillor Mr Allen said he couldn't name them to protect their identity.

"I went to a youth meeting in Wootton Bassett recently where young people said they needed a legal graffiti wall," said the 57-year-old.

"I offered them a wall in my shop and they were so surprised.

"I think they thought I was just saying it and would never follow through with it."

Graffiti artist Nectar said: "There is nowhere to paint in Wootton Bassett as everyone is so anti-graffiti.

"It is so disappointing that everyone sees it as vandalism rather than art.

"It was great to have the opportunity to do the display in the shop."

The taggers have inscribed the shop name - Full of Surprises in thick lettering on the 10ft wall.

Mr Allen is proud of the multi-coloured mural of pink, green, black, white and purple.

He kept the project a secret from residents in the town in case they would object.

"I wanted them to see the graffiti first before they judged it," he said.

"I didn't want people to make a fuss.

"You have to talk to young people and work with them.

"Adults forget that they were once youths with the same frustrations and nothing to do.

"We need to sit down and work out things for them to do."

He believes that all young people are often demonised because of the actions of a minority.

"People see six lads sitting around and just think they are up to no good.

"But that is just perception."

He says the only way to stop illegal tagging is to give teenagers somewhere to spray.

"They want to express their artistry and why shouldn't they?

"I don't condone youths doing graffiti in residential areas.

"But they won't stop until they have somewhere to do it.

"We should cooperate with them and let them do it.

"There are plenty of places in Wootton Bassett."