A CHARITYis calling on people to get together to overcome the most difficult day of the year.

Swindon and District Samaritans is hoping to banish the January blues by encouraging friends, family and workmates to meet up over a cuppa on January 21.

The third Monday of the year has become known to be difficult after psychologist Cliff Arnall came up with a formula in 2004 that could potentially calculate the exact time of the gloomiest day. According to Dr Arnall, it is caused the amount of debt, the weather and the post-Christmas blues.

Darren Tee, volunteer branch director, explained the event was developed in Swindon after receiving a large number of calls from people feeling down over this specific time of year. The charity started running the Brew Monday session last January and is committed to do more this year.

Darren said: “Isolation and loneliness are two of the main reasons people contact Samaritans, so getting together for a brew with friends can provide a lift on what is meant to be one of the most difficult days of the year.

“It’s often the hardest week of the year, with low finances and people not getting their pay check.

“People think that New Year isn’t bringing the change they are expecting.

“Lots of people feel down, and this is when we’ll let them know that they can talk to someone.”

Some of the Swindon volunteers will head to Reading to support the national event launch.

Organisations are being asked by the Samaritans to hold tea mornings. Despite cafes not confirming their intention to host the event, the office of UK research and innovation will throw a get together event on January 23.

Over the last 64 years, volunteers have saved numerous lives and will be raising funds on January 21 to provide better services and keep responding to the growing demand.

About 80 volunteers help to answer some of the five million calls that Samaritans respond to every year. The charity aims to offer a safe place for people to talk about mental health issues.

The branch provides other support within the community through outreach in local schools and training in businesses and regular visits to HM Prison Erlestoke. Anyone who needs support should call 01793 537373 or 116 123. The number is free to call, and the team is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

For further information or to get involved visit www.samaritans.org/brewmonday or call 01793526430