A MUM and chiropractor is running Swindon’s first drop-in clinic for other mums struggling to get their babies to breast feed.

Samantha Taylor, a co-practitioner at Kube Medical on Darby Close, will be holding the free informal drop-in session this Monday.

She had problems feeding her own daughter and took her to see breast feeding counsellor Eleanor Rossi and specialist Steve Williams, a paediatric chiropractor and craniopath, who treats micro-muscular movements in the skull.

“My little girl had a bit of traumatic birth,” Samantha told the Advertiser.

“I knew in my gut there wasn’t something quite right with her feeding.

“With a combination of support from a breast feeding counsellor and a chiropractor it worked wonders and she’s doing really great now.”

The two-hour session is designed to give advice and support on cranial issues and problems with the jaw which might be preventing them from feeding.

Samantha said it is also common for some babies to have underlying issues causing them to not feed, including silent reflux, known as gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD.

“If you can get mums through the first few weeks their breast feeding journey and the baby’s development is ultimately so much more enhanced,” she added.

“Once you can do that for baby it has such a profound effect on mum.

“Mums can have a huge amount of guilt over bottle feeding and there is this huge social stigma around it.

“But at the end of the day you have to feed your child and that’s far better than not feeding your child.”

Elena Rossi will be on hand to offer advice and patients are seen on a first come first served basis by either Samantha Taylor, chiropractor, or osteopath Elizabeth Andersen-Easey.

The clinic reiterated that it does not treat symptoms relating to colic under the ASA guidelines.