Tweedy the clown returns to Swindon for a show of magic & mayhem!

Over the years Tweedy has assisted some of the world’s top magicians, resulting in him being sawn in half, disappeared and even turned into a tiger.

Tweedy has had enough of being the magicians’ assistant and has decided it’s time to be the magician instead. Unfortunately, all does not go to plan…and his blundering attempts lead to more mayhem than magic in this funny, family-friendly show.

Tweedy is back at the Wyvern Theatre on Sunday, February 24 at 11am and 2pm.

Tweedy, aka Alan Digweed, always wanted to be a clown, but he didn't know how, (it was the days before Google) so he wrote to all the clowns he could think of, including Martin Zippo Burton. He received a reply telling him the best way to learn was on the job, so he joined Zippo’s to do publicity clowning, while he learned his trade.

Tweedy spent some time as a Red Coat entertainer at Butlins, where he was hugely popular with the children, but not so much their parents, as he introduced what he called noisy time. First thing in the morning he would lead the children in the style of the Pied Piper in a parade around the camp banging pots and pans and saucepans lids, marching down the chalet lines where all the hungover parents were.

Tickets to see Tweedy are £14, children: £4 off and family ticket: (two adults and two children) £44 from 01793 524481 or visit