A COUNCIL scheme to tackle loneliness has been given the thumbs up from its users.

The six-week initiative Coffee and Connections, run by the council's health and wellbeing team, encourages vulnerable people of all ages to meet new people and find other interests.

Clients are referred to the service by the council's outreach staff via a patient's GP.

Paula Nunnery, community researcher with the Health and Wellbeing Team, said: “It’s a brilliant programme that really makes a positive difference to peoples’ lives and encourages them think about their own health and wellbeing.

Stephen Greig, has found the programme hugely beneficial, saying: “I enjoy it because it’s a good opportunity to speak to people.

"I find that it sometimes sparks ideas off in your head and you discover new interests.”

When people finish the six-week course they are encouraged to take up other activities to further improve their wellbeing."