A PLAY dramatising the aftermath of a controversial interview that helped launch the Sex Pistols' career will be performed at the Shoebox Theatre.

After Today follows TV presenter Bill Grundy in 1979, three years after a profanity-heavy interview with the punk band who appeared on the Today Show after a last-minute cancellation from Queen. The play, which will be performed on Friday May 17 at 7.30pm in the Shoebox Theatre's new home at the Health Hydro. sees Bill struggle to keep his career going after the car-crash interview aired at teatime.

The theatre's artistic director Luke Marquez said: "We have been running our theatre training programme in the new space since the end of January and are so pleased with the new studio. However, we had to wait a few months before we could host a show as we needed to make changes to our raised seating system. We have been itching to get an audience in the new space and are delighted to be working with Doug Kirby, director of Stage D’Or, to bring the touring production of After Today to the theatre. The show started its life in Swindon with a scratch performance so it’s great to welcome it back after its run at the Edinburgh Fringe last year.” Tickets cost £10 from shoeboxtheatre.org.uk/whatson