Land surrounding a converted stately home in the countryside south of Swindon could be made into a tented village for the summer

Activity and travel specialist firm PGL, which owns King Edward's Place in Liddington, near Wanborough has applied to Swindon Borough Council for planning permission to put up to 50 four-person tents in its grounds for the summer holidays.

The accommodation is needed, the company says, because the site is hosting a course as part of the National Citizen Service, which it describes as the government's "flagship Big Society programme for 16 and 17 year old", which started in 2011.

The company's application says: "The Challenge is an intensive part-residential programme that takes place over 14 days. Over 27,000 young people will take part in it this year.

"PGL will deliver the first phase over 4-5 day blocks during the summer. The tent villages are required in response to the increases demand over a peak period of seven weeks."

Temporary toilets and shower blocks are requested.