A SOCIAL media warning about farmers leaving mud on the road prompted a fierce response.

Wiltshire Police posted over the weekend, warning farmers and other contractors they are legally obliged to clean up mud scattered in their vehicles' wake and put up signs alerting other drivers to the slippery road conditions.

Wiltshire Police said: "If they don’t, they could be liable for a number of offences under the Highways Act 1980 and the Road Traffic Act 1988.

"It is vital for farmers and contractors to know their responsibilities when it comes to leaving mud, and other deposits, on the road and particularly the consequences of not conforming to the law."

One woman wrote: "Leave farmers alone it's been going on since year dot. Crazy drivers drive too fast in country lanes."

But another said: "Farmers are legally obligated. We are not talking about a small amount of mud. We talking about huge areas of lumps of mud covering much of the road causing severe and sudden visibility loss irrespective of speed."