Despite today's new timetable changes, not everyone will be feeling the benefit.

Parents of more than 100 students who attend Stroud High and Marling School are worried their children could be stranded.

At the moment, trains get the youngsters to school for their 8.40am start and back to their home town for 4.30pm.

But under the new timetable their day stands to be extended by 40 minutes. They will leave Stroud at 4.30pm, rather than 3,52pm.

James Dunn, a parent of a Marling School student, said: “GWR made these timetable changes and it’s been very annoying.

"It will add stress for the children as well as a longer day for them but my main issue is with the return time.

“It’s not about the parents being inconvenienced, it affects the children’s wellbeing."