A VICTORY parade was held in the town centre to celebrate Britain leaving the EU.

Organised by the Swindon Yellow Vests, a group of around half-a-dozen people took part in the parade. The Union Jack waved as shoppers listened to a man using a megaphone.

The aim of the parade, according to the group, was to thank the people of Swindon for their support.

The route of the celebration started at The Savoy and made its way down The Parade, under The Crossing and to the tented market, where the group celebrated by opening a bottle of champagne and toasting to Brexit.

Organiser of the Swindon Yellow Vests Andy Crow said: “We’re out to celebrate, as a victory parade and to thank all the locals in the town centre who have supported us in the past year.

“On the whole, the people were with us. We’ve had a few people who disagreed with us and we tried to debate them but we didn’t get very far.

“Boris has a long way to go yet. He’s still got to negotiate a trade deal that works both ways so let’s hope he can do that in the next 11 months.

“I’m sure if he said we don’t want a deal then they’ll (EU) be banging on the door the next day begging for a free trade deal.

“We’ve been very patient, it’s been a long haul.

“I would like to thank everyone for coming out each week, whether it was a Saturday or a Sunday.”