As the coronavirus crisis continues there have been calls on social media for a government of national unity similar to war time.

And with local elections put back for a year from this May there will be 18 councillors in Swindon serving a year longer than the term they were elected for.

Senior councillors in Swindon disagree on whether that means party politics should be, in effect, suspended and some sort of unity administration set up in Euclid Street - but all agree on the need for a greater degree of consensus.

David Renard is the leader of the Conservative administration running Swindon Borough Council.

He sees no need for a 'national government': "We have had them in wartime, but the difference is we don't know how long wars will last. It seems we will have got a grip on this virus in a few weeks or months, and I don't see the need for it - there was an election in December and the British public was clear in its choice for a Conservative government."

Coun Renard also didn't see it was necessary to make formal moves in the borough council such as inviting opposition party leaders to take part in cabinet decision-making.

But he said Labour group leader Jim Grant, and Stan Pajak of the Liberal Democrats were being involved in decisions: "When we decided to cancel non-essential council meetings, and to replace the council with a special committee, that was agreed by all three groups and leaders.

"We have cancelled meetings until the end of May, but will review that at the end of April, and the other parties will be involved in those reviews and decisions."

Coun Grant said the most important thing was the effective continuation of public services: "At this moment it matters less who is running the council and more that there is a council

"Coun Pajak and I will sit on the special committee and we are moving towards something more like a unified council as we go forward. There needs to be responsibility on the part of opposition parties and responsibility on the part of administrations when they use the new powers thy are being given. But keeping services going for the people of Swindon is clearly the most important thing.

"I think the same goes for the government as well - it's more important to have a functioning government than who is in charge."

Coun Pajak said: "I think more consensus in decision-making would be useful in these sorts of crisis situations."