THERE are calls for police to do more to enforce lockdown rules in Penhill after complaints teens persistently ignore social distancing measures.

Nicola Holmes hit out at parents whose children she says are continuing to congregate regularly near Ramsbury Avenue in Penhill Valley.

The mum of two girls said: “The police need to come round and be stricter at enforcing the rules. Maybe even fine the parents – they shouldn’t be getting away with it. 

“There’s loads of kids hanging around. It’s just a nightmare. 

“The police need to step up patrols in the area. Not just once a day, they need to come round more often to see the whole picture,” she added.

Nicola, whose house backs onto Minty park, said it gets busiest towards the end of the afternoons. 

“It’s every day,” Nicola added. “In the hot weather they come swarming out. 

“You’ve got kids on bikes going up and down the road. A couple of older boys going round on mopeds and younger children running in and out of gardens.”

The mum, who moved to the area from Pinehurst last year, said its frustrating that people are still not observing the lockdown rules six weeks after they were enforced.

“It’s ridiculous,” Nicola said. “The amount of people who are dying is going up and up and up, and people need to stay indoors. 

“There are vulnerable and elderly people in the area who need to go outside for shopping or whatever but they’re too scared to because there are so many people on the street that they literally can’t socially distance. 

“And the parents are just sat in the gardens watching their kids riding up and down the road together causing havoc,” she said.

The mum urged parents to follow the government’s advice during the coronavirus pandemic.

“I don’t understand why people can’t follow the rules,” Nicola said.

“I know it’s hard but we all need to get on and deal with it and then it will be over quicker.”

A Wiltshire Police spokesman said: “We have been pleased to see that the vast majority of people have understood the importance of the government’s social distancing rules and have acted responsibly to help protect the NHS by staying at home and avoiding all unnecessary travel.

“However, people have been reporting incidents to us where they feel that people are breaching the government guidance and behaving in a way which could put others at risk.

“The best way to report this to us is via an online form, to help keep our 101 and 999 phone lines clear, and these will be assessed by our Control Room so officers can be deployed if suitable.

“Our initial approach has been to engage with our communities and explain to people about why social distancing is important. But, if people do not listen, or persistently flout the rules, then we will move to enforcement – which includes issuing fixed penalty notices.

“Please, if you have concerns, report them via"