SWINDON MPs Robert Buckland and Justin Tomlinson welcomed a £36,930 government grant for the Swindon Domestic Abuse Service.

They said in a joint statement: “The service has seen a huge increase in demand due to coronavirus, so we are pleased that this funding has been awarded.

“We would like to thank all those volunteers who are currently working hard to support this brilliant local charity.

“We would urge any man or woman who believes they may be suffering from abuse of any kind - , psychological, emotional, physical, sexual, financial or economic, harassment and stalking, online or digital abuse, or coercive control (a pattern of intimidation, degradation, isolation and control with the use or threat of violence) - to reach out for support by ringing the 24-hour helpline on 01793 610610 or visiting https://swadomesticabuse.org/

“Many fundraising events have been put on hold, so we would also ask residents to consider organising their own fundraising in line with the current government guidelines, or donating to the Covid-19 Appeal at swadomesticabuse.org"