A GROUP of campaigners are planning to protest outside Robert Buckland MP’s office following his vote against providing free school meals for children during the holidays.

The Swindon Empty Plate demo is organised by young activists and starts at 1.30pm on Sunday on Wood Street.

Organiser Luke Batten told the Adver: “This protest was started by a group of young adults who spent their school years in Swindon needing Free School Meals.

“Many of us have relied on foodbanks. Swindon TUC offered us their platform to help get the message across, because we all know that responsible, caring parents still slip into hardship and, in poverty, it’s often the kids who suffer worst.”

He added: “Swindon’s kids need better than a postcode lottery. The country’s kids need better. We have to make ourselves heard until they get it.”

He added: “We are living in unprecedented times with Covid-19 pandemic and this means we need to support our most vulnerable.

“70 percent of children living in poverty come from working families, some of which will have been some of the worst effected when it comes to loss of finances.

“The government’s measures to protect children are grossly insufficient, so voting this bill down is obscene and cruel, and risks starving Swindon’s children.”

The group is asking people to tape a paper plate on the wall and write a message or leave it empty.

The spokesman added: “If you can’t make it, take a selfie with your plate and message at home and post it to his office”

For further information visit, facebook.com/events/359045398546482