The borough council’s cabinet member for public safety wrote a letter to the Government asking for a law to be put in place to limit the noise of fireworks.

Cathy Martyn sent the letter to the minister for small business, consumers, and labour markets Paul Scully after colleagues lent their support.

She cited the Animal Welfare 2006, saying it was illegal to cause unnecessary suffering to animals. She explained that loud fireworks used by the public caused misery for people as well as pets.

Coun Martyn said the council does not want to ban fireworks and says volunteer-run community displays provide a useful source of funding – but it asks for the law to be changed to make 90 decibels the loudest firework available to the public.

Here's what you told us on Facebook...

Amy Sadler: "I totally agree that they should be banned. I'm sick of people complaining that it's just pet owners that want them to stop. Some people also suffer during the now very extended firework season. People with PTSD, dementia, and learning disabilities can struggle with them.

"There have been silent fireworks for years. They cause less upset all around and you can still have beautiful colours!

Fiona Smart: "Fireworks I don't have an issue with. It's a select few people that ruin it for everyone else. On the other hand, I dread any occasion that people feel the need to use them. My youngest is absolutely terrified of them."

Sandra Bowden: "The loud ones should definitely be banned, too many people out there with PTSD, they shouldn’t be sold. Animals are literally petrified, and they had been let off for days, my dog wouldn't even walk down the street for days after, it's dreadful."

Kathryn Lund: "It would be better to do laser light shows instead and ban all fireworks."

Karen Curtin: "Some of the fireworks available are not suitable for back gardens or in a built-up area, the explosive bangs echo out like bombs going off, they should only be used in organised displays."

Sam Holland: "They should only be for organised events should use them.

"Luckily my pets don’t mind them but my autistic daughter has a panic attack when she hears them, even with ear defenders on. It’s not nice seeing her under her duvet shaking and crying in distress."

Diane Tomes: "We had fireworks for decades with no problems, I do agree that should only be done on firework day and New Years' Eve. Any other times they should be fined."

Trudie Boath: "We should stop shops selling them and have organised displays only. This will help towards stopping weeks and weeks of fireworks being let off."

Rob Grey: "We should definitely not ban them. Dog owners complaining it scares their dogs are oblivious to the constant barking and yapping their fur babies produce. And yes I have pets, two cats who quite happily watch the fireworks through the window. Fireworks is a centuries-old tradition loved by kids for generations, let’s not take that away from them as well."

Caroline Johnson: "Yes, they should definitely be banned, leave them for organised displays, it's safer too."

Paula Harris: "Yes, they should be banned and only for licensed displays on or around November 5, not two months before and two months after."

Marion Pullen: "Yes, they should definitely be banned. The poor animals suffer so much with the noise."

Steve Hancock: "They should only be made available to organised event holders not for the general public."

Kiddle Ruth: "They should have been banned a long time ago, it's time they are banned altogether."