SWINDON will mark Holocaust Memorial Day with an online ceremony at midday on January 27.

Attendance to the virtual event is by invitation only. Anyone interested in marking this day is welcome to join by emailing matt@lowershawfarm.co.uk to receive an invitation, link, and password.

Anyone with appropriate personal stories or readings that they wish to share during the ceremony is asked to contact organizer Matt Holland beforehand on 01793 771080

Matt said this year's theme of being a light in the darkness relates to the Holocaust and subsequent genocides in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Darfur.

He added: "It is an affirmation and a call to action, asking people to consider different kinds of darkness - for example, identity-based persecution, misinformation, denial of justice - and different ways of ‘being a light’ - for example, resistance, acts of solidarity, rescue, and illuminating mis-truths.

"It encourages individuals, families, and groups to stand together with their friends and neighbours, and to make a stand against wrongful persecution and oppression."

At 7pm on January 27, the national Holocaust Memorial Day Trust will hold an online ceremony until 8pm. Then, the trust invites everyone to 'light the darkness' by asking households across the UK to light candles and put them safely, in their windows, to remember those who were murdered for who they were and to show that we stand against prejudice and hatred today.

For more information, visit hmd.co.uk