A SPRUCED up community centre is on the cards for Eldene by the end of next month.

Work has started on a major project to smarten up the beach area in front of the facility and create a new community garden.

The long-awaited revamp is being funded with £230,000 from Swindon Borough Council after cabinet members decided it was a priority building.

The plans include landscaping the beach area, installing new gates at Eldene pre-school gates and replacing lighting and furniture. 

“It’s great, as it started on time with the work going ahead as planned,” Kevin Parry, chairman of Eldene, Nythe and Liden Parish Council told the Adver.

“It’s welcome news, I don’t feel people believe it’s happening until they see the diggers on site. 

“Work is finally going ahead and I’m looking forward to it. 

He explained: “The designs incorporated are what residents requested back when we did the consultation last year.

“The parish council will look at any additional work needed to the beach area if needed.

“It looks like a mess at the moment but it will get better and the shrubs have had time to settle. 

The project was initially parked because the beach area was originally part of a housing plan so there were concerns over whether the landscaping could go ahead. 

Coun Parry added: “It is one of the last Swindon Borough council sites to be refurbished. It’s a big site so it should look ten times better when it’s done. 

“The time frame is Covid dependent but we’re on track currently.”

The three-month build will also result in the addition of three new bins, which was an important request from people living nearby.

They complained the area was in need of  a clean-up. 

Conservative candidate for Liden, Eldene and Park South Curtis Flux said:

“We have pushed for something better so it’s an improvement for the centre.

“It’s been a long overdue area of having some improvements done. They’re tidying up the area particularly the beach area as it’s not particularly liked by residents. 

“But the grass bit may have future improvements with several ideas made.”