Spring blossom could be used as a memorial to those who have lost their lives to Covid-19.

An idea put forward by Conservatives Vinay Manro and Matthew Courtliff for tonight's council meeting says several authorities across the country are using blossom-bearing trees as a memorial for those who have died of coronavirus.

It says: “The Covid-19 pandemic has had a devastating impact on the country, and here in Swindon. More than 200 people in Swindon have passed away due to Covid-19 over the 12 months, and while a vaccine is now being rolled out, lives are still being lost.”

If passed the motion instructs council leader David Renard to set up a “suitable blossom tree memorial to be created in one of the town's country parks. This will serve as a lasting reminder for the town and allow its residents to have a public space for reflection and contemplation now and in the future.”

In November the London Mayor's office announced it was planting 33 trees of eight blossoming species at the Olympic Park as a memorial.

It chose spring blossoming trees because their season coincides with the first lockdown beginning in late March and running through April and May.