Charlie Ukich-Sanders has raised more than £1,000 for Make-A-Wish UK by becoming a superhero and running 500 metres every day for a month.

The five-year-old was inspired to dress up as Spiderman, Wolverine and Harry Potter by the efforts of NHS fundraising hero Capt Sir Tom Moore.

He said: “I really enjoyed the challenge and I’m really happy that I raised the money. It was both easy and hard because I liked seeing how fast I could run each day and watching all the donations come in.”

He ran through rain and sun to smash his £500 target.

The charity grants wishes for children who are seriously ill, from meeting celebrities to going on holiday. A spokesperson said: “It’s so heart-warming that Charlie chose to fundraise for other children. He’s our fundraising Wish Hero. Thank you so much to Charlie and his family.”

Charlie’s fundraising page is at

Read the Adver's first article on Charlie's challenge.

The charity grants wishes for children who are seriously ill, from meeting celebrities to going on holiday. A spokesperson said: “It’s so heart-warming that Charlie chose to fundraise for other children. He’s our fundraising Wish Hero. Thank you so much to Charlie and his family.”

Charlie’s fundraising page is at